Saturday, November 7, 2015

Project III Outline

In the post below, I will create an outline that will give a structured and organized system by which I will use for the creation of my Project III draft. I will also use the Writing Public Lives text to help me construct a better public argument. 

Klein. "East German School" 1951
Public Domain 
 Introducing Your Public Argument

  • Connect the issue with a current event.
  1. Refer to the Obamacare medical plan's influence in healthcare research.
  2. Growing Industry of Gene Mapping
  3. Existing confusion or ignorance towards the gene sciences.
  4. Recognize the existing debate between Pro-Sequence groups and Anti-Sequencing groups.
  • Include a visual aid above this introduction for "hook" purposes. Also the use of a bold text prior to any major thesis or formal introduction should be used. The bolded ext should give a definition or raise a question.
  • The Major Supporting Argument in Favor of Gene Sequencing.
  1. Profits involved in gene sequencing. Job growth in major sciences.
  2. Personalized healthcare system. Cost efficiency.
  3. Possible means to expunge cancer genes from the DNA code.
  • Claim I- Statistics & the Affects on Reasoning
  1.  Multiple Sources supporting gene sequencing's findings. 
  2. Note that Outdated Statistics seem to be the primary support for opposition arguments.
  3. Refer to Harmon works, contributed to the weakening of her argument due to the origins and relevance of her data. The data may have a political lean or is outdated to today's standards.
  4. Context of major anti-sequencing articles- (2008).
  • Claim II- Recognizing the Divide
  1. Accusations & Elitism- Debunk these theories with Scientific fact about gene sequencing's meaning.
  2. Many feel compelled to accuse the upper class of marginalizing the medical process, turning it into a "luxury'. 
  3. Little to no evidence of this "mass trend" among wealthy.
  4. Believe that a possible genetic "elite" may form in these higher classes.
  5. Present the audience with solid evidence supporting the concept that gene sequencing is merely a method by which one's DNA can be documented. 
  6. Note that science has yet to create technology capable of altering one's DNA after birth. 

  • Claim III- Benefits of Gene Sequencing in Hospitals/ Flaws of the Opposition.
  1. The main differences between these two groups lies within the concepts of reliable data or conjecture. The Pro-sequencing groups believe that the data that currently exists is evidence enough for major steps towards integrating the technology into diagnostic medicine. In contrast, the Opposition believes that the evidence collected is inconclusive or flawed in some cases.
  2. Present data that support the idea that gene mapping may become a multi million dollar industry.
  3. The Pro-sequencing group's argument references the limitless diagnostic applications of gene maps. Also the perspective that this form of medical treatment will be the future of personalized modern medicine.
  4. The ethical perspectives of the Opposition are in themselves unethical because the group may want to prevent genetic inequality or elitism in American society, but are inadvertently advocating for the deaths of many ailing from genetic illness. Such gene mapping tech. saves more lives rather than influencing the use of  abortions or causing malpractice deaths. 
  • Relevance of the statistical articles to the context of the debate.
  • Reiterate the goal of the piece, and its points it used to create a claim.
  • Restate thesis- shorter and more focused on the three points.
  • Answer the goal of this project: How is an argument constructed in the discipline.
  •  Profits involved in gene sequencing. Job growth in major sciences.
  • Personalized healthcare system. Cost efficiency.
  • Possible means to expunge cancer genes from the DNA code.
Final statement- Leaves the reader thinking more about your claim.

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