Saturday, October 3, 2015

Analyzing My Text's Cultural Setting

Below I will present my input on the article "Gene Map Becomes A Luxury Item" by analyzing purpose and strategy. 

Church, Frederic E. "Setting Sun" 1864
Public Domain 

  • What values, ideas, norms, beliefs, even laws of the culture play an important role in the text?
  1. Within modern America, most citizens have a negative view towards genetic engineering or any manipulation of the gene sequence. This belief is most likely brought upon by the more deep belief and value system instilled through religion or negative media coverage.
  2. Also the dramatizing of the phrase "genetic engineering" has altered the average person's idea of the actual science, comparing its practices to those in science fiction novels or in film. While there exists no definitive law against genetic engineering or gene mapping, most political representatives frown upon the idea of gene manipulation or human experimentation. 
  • Does the text address these cultural values directly or indirectly? 
  1. The author directly addresses the issue that there exists a tend among the wealthier class of individuals to spend a significant sum in order to map their entire genome sequence. The author also points out that this medical test is usually available only to those well off, since governments tend not to subsidize the treatment for the general masses. She states that most societies are uncomfortable spending large portions of their income for a treatment that is more like "buying a Bentley" than treating an illness. Most value medical treatments that cure or treat an illness when it appears, not spending large sums to see if an illness exists in one's DNA code for future treatment plans. 

  • What is the relationship of the text to the values?
  1. The author is critical towards the idea that the wealthy are only using this technology for "genetic elitism" or for insurance purposes. But, she does theorize that the influx in this style of business will eventually fund future projects to make the technology available to the masses- comparing it to the private space travel companies. 
  2. The author does find that the practice of genetic engineering has a shady definition and past.
  3. Expresses the obvious social gap within the United States, but also points out the decrease in expense for certain medical treatments.   

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