Saturday, October 24, 2015

Reflection of Project II

Inaglory, Brocken. "Tenaya Lake Reflection" 2007
Public Domain
1. What was specifically revised from one draft to another?

What I really focused on was the conclusion and quotations within my body paragraphs. I also worked on adding more academic vocabulary within the piece so that the over tone of the essay was more formal and educated.

2. Point to global changes: how did you reconsider your thesis or organization?

I constructed my thesis so that the points I wanted to make were clear and arguable. Therefore, my thesis was very specific, only pointing out the three major strategies used in the article that were a form of rhetorical device. 

3. What led you to these changes? A reconsideration of audience? A shift in purpose? 

Based on the rubric given at the beginning of this project, I had to consider an audience that was relevant to my field. I also had to keep in mind that I was not to analyze the article specifically, but instead use it as a means to explain the rhetorical strategies used in my field. 

4. How do these changes affect your credibility as an author? 

By keeping with the subject of the essay and by constantly addressing the audience, I was able to construct an essay that fulfilled my purpose while also bringing my audience up to date on the filed's use of rhetoric. This make me more credible because I connected to my audience and tailor my essay specifically for them. 

5. How will these changes better address the audience or venue?  

Since my essay is more targeted to specific audience, my paper will be more tailored to that group. This allows me to address the audience in regards to their field and give the proper amount of context to the issue without isolating/confusing the audience as a whole.

6. Point to local changes: How did you reconsider sentence structure and style?

I added to certain sentences and included more quotes so that the paper flowed easily. I also focused more on my introduction and its thesis so that the audience had a basic understanding of the overall issue addressed and the rhetoric employed in the article.

7. How did these changes assist your audience in understanding your purpose? 

I made the introduction entertaining, easy to read, and with an opening sentence that grabbed to audience's attention. I also provided enough background information on the issue so that the audience could recall their own preconceptions and learn/adjust from the information given.

8. Did you have to reconsider the conventions of the particular genre in which you where writing?  

I understood from the beginning of this project the conventions, strategies, and tools needed for this project. However, there where points where transitions in the overall goal of the piece were necessary for a quality essay. I had to constantly remind myself of the properties of the genre and the format needed to adhere to the project guidelines. 

9. How does the process of reflection help you reconsider your identity as a writer? 

Well I never truly knew my identity as a writer before this project, I can't say with confidence that I know now, but I believe I have learned from this experience that project guidelines are incredibly important for the writing process. I now have a clear writing style thanks to this project.

 I read Nick's and Savannah's reflections. We all seemed to have had trouble when it came to revising the body paragraph, and adhering to the overall purpose of the project. The fact that we had to focus more on the analysis of the rhetorical strategies seemed to throw off a lot of our writing style. It seems that we are more used to analyzing the author's point and writing style rather than the rhetoric employed.        

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I thought it was interesting to read through your project 2 reflection. I agree that having a very specific audience made it easier to write, because we share some common ground with our reader its a little easier to give background and context about the rest of the essay. However, one thing that was a little different for me was I completely forgot the conventions of writing a regular essay again, and I was happy to read that you did not. For me it was kinda weird getting back into using citations instead of just hyperlinking everything.
